How to Achieve Work/Life Balance In Your Twenties

work-life balanceGoing from college life to the corporate world can be challenging.  The days of napping in between classes and long holiday breaks are long gone. Say hello to your new 9-5 life. In the midst of being a career woman, sometimes your social life can take a backseat to your new priorities and I’m here to help you balance it all.

Here are a few tips on how to be a Girl Boss at work and at home:

#1 Unplug Your Mind

After a long day at work, you need to unwind and unplug from your work world.  You need to turn off your professional side for a couple of hours and give yourself some time to recharge.  A daily recharge prevents you from getting burnt out. When you get home, get off your work email and get on the couch.

#2 Schedule A Recurring Event

Whether it’s a date night with your significant other or game night with your family and friends, pick a weekday and stick to it. It allows you to carve out time for those you love on a regular basis and something to look forward during the work week.

#3 Workout Regularly

I will admit, I just got on the fitness routine train and I will honestly say it’s one of the best things I could do for myself. Working out is personal time for yourself to de-stress from the drama of the day. Sitting at a desk all day can become straining on your body so why not take 30 mins to an hour a couple times of week? It will not only make you feel better but look better too!

#4 Plan A Vacation

It doesn’t matter where you go or how long you go – everyone needs a vacation. Vacations are good for the mind, body, and soul. Whether it’s staycation at a local hotel or a two-week trip to Thailand, we all need rest and relaxation. A beachside view never hurt anyone.

#5 Plan Accordingly

My planner is my Holy grail. From meeting to social events, having a planner allows me to see my weeks and months at a glance. For me, seeing my schedule in one glance helps me plan and prioritize my time better. I like to physically write things down but with technology, there are apps and devices that can help you plan your time on the go!

#6 Pamper Yourself

After battling work crises and handling personal circumstances, sometimes making time for yourself gets put on the back burner. Don’t let that happen. We all need me time. We need time to rejuvenate and remind ourselves who is the most important – YOU!

At this point in our lives, we want to have our cake and eat it too. We want to have a successful career but we also want to have fun and make memories with our loved ones.  We are young and the world is our oyster but we all must make time for things that matter the most.

Image of contributor mia littlejohn.


Written by Mia Littlejohn. Mia is a lifestyle blogger and contributor for Cocktails and Ambition. You can find her  on her Blog and on Instagram