10 Websites for Every #GirlBoss


Every #Girl Boss needs helps from time to time and these websites have been  a definite favorite lately

#GirlBoss| Girl Boss websites |Cocktails and Ambition1. Levo League

So you’ve got plans, big ones but you don’t quite know where to start. Never fear my dear because this is where Levo league steps in to assist you in finding your path… seriously the website features a “find your path” section that wants to help you figure out what you are passionate about and the job fields that suits your passion.  Levo league also includes not just career advice but also actual job postings and internships! In addition, as a little motivation to inspire it also features  interviews and articles of people making  big moves in their respective fields (Speaking of Career Advice check out some advice from a 20 something CEO)

      2. The Every Girl

This website is for well…..every girl, every 20 something female trying to figure out the murky world of adulthood (basically it’s a life saver). Their articles cover everything from finances, making your first big apartment purchase, starting a business and even relationship advice.

3. Refinery 29

If you’re just like me, chances are you peruse through Refinery 29 snap feed on the daily (and if you haven’t you should). Their website and snap feed feature a lot of thought provoking, fun and helpful articles. Besides what boss girl doesn’t want to leave an internet browsing session a little smarter and armed with interesting conversation starters?

 4Amy Poehler’s Smart Girls

If you love Amy Poehler, you’ll love Amy Poehler’s Smart Girls website. If you don’t love Amy Poehler you’ll still love Amy Poehler’s Smart Girls website. It’s literally loaded with awesomeness in the form of great interviews and articles.  It promotes positivity and mentorship, owning your smarticles (that’s a word, just ask London Tipton)  most recently, one of the smart girls initiatives  is asking actresses different questions on the red carpet that stray away from the superficial “who are you wearing?”. While we do love fashion, women are much more than their looks and ( gasp!) actually, have smart things to say. So, if you are looking for a refreshing spin on things look no further than this website.

 5.  Bossgals in Stilettos.

This is a personal favorite of mine.  Boss gals in Stilettos focus on empowering female entrepreneurs with tips and resources to help you market your business and let your brand stand out.  But wait there’s more… the website also features a network of other business minded women who encourage each other and support each other’s businesses. Think of it like the sisterhood of the travelling pants super smart women in high heels.

6.  Create and Cultivate

One way to would describe Create and Cultivate is a giant sisterhood of creative entrepreneurs. It offers helpful and insightful articles on following your passions, growing your business and just living life. Create & Cultivate also features an annual conference held in different cities that brings creative entrepreneurs to share, network and learn from each other. I personally love this website because it has a good blend of motivational, fun and practical articles and is a great way to be inspired

7. Hello Hustle
I stumbled across this website recently and it seems to be one of those websites that every #bossgirl needs to have in her corner. With both free and paid membership plans, you have access to articles, advice, and a community to help you succeed in your career and your business

8. Cocktails and Ambition
Aside from the shameless self-promotion, I truly believe that Cocktails and Ambition is a website that every #bossgirl needs. Not only because I do my best to write helpful articles but also because I created this website for the girl who knows that there is more to life than a 9- 5 and even if she chooses and loves her 9-5 , Cocktails and Ambition is here to give you the tips you need to grow alongside women who are there to support you, see you succeed and guide you in your journey of being a # woman in progress.

9. Lynda.com
While this is more of a learning platform , This website is a great investment. Lynda is a learning platform provided by LinkedIn with video tutorials on just about anything. If there are 2 things a #bossgirl should be, it’s being prepared and always learning. With Lynda, you can watch videos and tutorials from the comfort of your home while gaining skills that can help you with your hobby or career.

10. Wonderlass
I L-O-V-E Alison the creator of Wonderlass. She has created this website with free and paid resources to help bloggers succeed. Wonderlass is geared mostly towards #girlboss bloggers and creative entrepreneurs and I’m always running back to learn new tips and tricks to improve my website. There is also a facebook group as well filled with the most supportive people ever! So, if you are a blogger or creative entrepreneur head on to Wonderlass and get inspired.

What are some other amazing sites you think should be on this list?

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